KUHINJU- UZIVAJMO ZAJEDNO U SPRAVLJANJU DOMACIH DELICIJA!!!! jer danas sam luda..uvijek sam luda za domacim kolacima!!!!
nedjelja, 30. kolovoza 2009.
YouTube - Google-certified ad networks in AdSense
YouTube - Google-certified ad networks in AdSense: "there's nothing here that demonstrates bad or good. On the one hand, it would appear that whatever ads land on our pages, it's because those ad buyers are outbidding others, giving us publishers more revenue. On the other hand, the revenue must also be split among more middlemen, which could leave us worse off. Can someone (Google) articulate sample scenarios where we publishers benefit, and those where we might not so we can decide what might be best for our own sites?"
YouTube - Google-certified ad networks in AdSense
YouTube - Google-certified ad networks in AdSense: "there's nothing here that demonstrates bad or good. On the one hand, it would appear that whatever ads land on our pages, it's because those ad buyers are outbidding others, giving us publishers more revenue. On the other hand, the revenue must also be split among more middlemen, which could leave us worse off. Can someone (Google) articulate sample scenarios where we publishers benefit, and those where we might not so we can decide what might be best for our own sites?"
Voće i povrće: Zapečeni kelj pupčar s lješnjacima
Voće i povrće: Zapečeni kelj pupčar s lješnjacima:
"Zapečeni kelj pupčar s lješnjacima
2009. kolovoz 29
…a mogli bi sad nešto i kuhat… ha?!
Eto godišnji je proletio brzinom svjetlosti, bilo je kratko, intenzivno i slatko.
Povratak na posao mi nije baš najlakše pao pa sam se prva dva tjedna smo povlačila po tramvaju od kuće do posla. Ne trebam ni govoriti da mi je od same pomisli na kuhanje padao mrak na oči pa samo uglavnom „životarili“ na salatama i sendvičima.
Po povratku prvih histeričnih zagrebačkih vozača, koji od najranijih sati trube i psuju po ulicama, vratila se i moja potreba za kuhanjem. No dobro ove dvije stvari nisu uzročno posljedične već samo znak da se stvari vračaju u svoju kolotečinu.
Ovaj recept je jednostavan i brz, zapravo izvrstan ako vam se ne petlja predugo po kuhinji, a jelo dobro funkcionira i kao prilog i kao samostalni obrok. Ideju sam „popalila“ u posljednjem broju časopisa Dobar tek ali se nisam držala njihovog recepta već sam radila prema svom osjećaju.
500 g kelja pupčara (može i zaleđeni)
200 g kiselog vrhnja
2 jaja
60 g oguljenih lješnjaka
½ žlice sitno nasjeckanog češnjaka
½ žlice sitno nasjeckanog peršina
1 žlica ribanog parmezana
* Kelj pupčar operite i očistite (ako koristite svježi) pa ga kratko prokuhajte u dosta kipuće vode.
* Lješnjake sameljite. Ostavite koji lješnjak i krupnije mljeven to će malo podići teksturu jela.
* Izmiješajte kiselo vrhnje, jaja i lješnjake.
* Sve dobro sjedinite pjenjačom te dodajte češnjak, peršin, sol i papar.
* U vatrostalnu posudu rasporedite pripremljeni kelj pupčar pa izlijte pripremljenu smjesu od vrhnja po njemu. Na kraju sve posipajte s malo ribanog parmezana.
* Pecite u ugrijanoj pećnici na 180 stupnjeva oko pola sata.
* Ako vam vrhnje prebrzo počne hvatati boju prekrijte jelo folijom i nastavite peći. Ja ovaj problem nikad nemam jer imam plinsku pećnicu ali pretpostavljam da ipak svatko od vas zna najbolje kako se njegova ponaša.
Posted by Andrea at 10:54
Labels: glavna jela, lagana jela, prilozi"
Ovo je s bloga moje najstarije kcerke.Bas sam ponosna majka...kako li samo dobro kuha i od kud samo izvuce sve ove prekrasne ideje!!!
"Zapečeni kelj pupčar s lješnjacima
2009. kolovoz 29
…a mogli bi sad nešto i kuhat… ha?!
Eto godišnji je proletio brzinom svjetlosti, bilo je kratko, intenzivno i slatko.
Povratak na posao mi nije baš najlakše pao pa sam se prva dva tjedna smo povlačila po tramvaju od kuće do posla. Ne trebam ni govoriti da mi je od same pomisli na kuhanje padao mrak na oči pa samo uglavnom „životarili“ na salatama i sendvičima.
Po povratku prvih histeričnih zagrebačkih vozača, koji od najranijih sati trube i psuju po ulicama, vratila se i moja potreba za kuhanjem. No dobro ove dvije stvari nisu uzročno posljedične već samo znak da se stvari vračaju u svoju kolotečinu.
Ovaj recept je jednostavan i brz, zapravo izvrstan ako vam se ne petlja predugo po kuhinji, a jelo dobro funkcionira i kao prilog i kao samostalni obrok. Ideju sam „popalila“ u posljednjem broju časopisa Dobar tek ali se nisam držala njihovog recepta već sam radila prema svom osjećaju.
500 g kelja pupčara (može i zaleđeni)
200 g kiselog vrhnja
2 jaja
60 g oguljenih lješnjaka
½ žlice sitno nasjeckanog češnjaka
½ žlice sitno nasjeckanog peršina
1 žlica ribanog parmezana
* Kelj pupčar operite i očistite (ako koristite svježi) pa ga kratko prokuhajte u dosta kipuće vode.
* Lješnjake sameljite. Ostavite koji lješnjak i krupnije mljeven to će malo podići teksturu jela.
* Izmiješajte kiselo vrhnje, jaja i lješnjake.
* Sve dobro sjedinite pjenjačom te dodajte češnjak, peršin, sol i papar.
* U vatrostalnu posudu rasporedite pripremljeni kelj pupčar pa izlijte pripremljenu smjesu od vrhnja po njemu. Na kraju sve posipajte s malo ribanog parmezana.
* Pecite u ugrijanoj pećnici na 180 stupnjeva oko pola sata.
* Ako vam vrhnje prebrzo počne hvatati boju prekrijte jelo folijom i nastavite peći. Ja ovaj problem nikad nemam jer imam plinsku pećnicu ali pretpostavljam da ipak svatko od vas zna najbolje kako se njegova ponaša.
Posted by Andrea at 10:54
Labels: glavna jela, lagana jela, prilozi"
Ovo je s bloga moje najstarije kcerke.Bas sam ponosna majka...kako li samo dobro kuha i od kud samo izvuce sve ove prekrasne ideje!!!
sami.brandt8 - Bad Things about Facebook
sami.brandt8 - Bad Things about Facebook: "Bad Things about Facebook
Are these things worth it?
Facebook is a way to talk to friends and do fun things. But there is also some bad things about it. One thing bad about it is that people that you don't know will try to add you and talk to you. Another thing is that you can give out too much information for people to know who you are. Some people think that there is nothing bad about this site. And most of those people that think that are people who don't have an account.
Another bad thing is that some creeper can try to add you to be one of their friend. If you have a Facebook, it sometimes sends you a lot of spam. If it doesn't bother you then just make sure you have a good. Facebook doesn't allow to make your profile private. You can only put some things you put on their for just your friends to see, like your school name.
Good thing about Facebook
[Tell your parents if their is someone you don't know try to add you or if someone is sending you bad things to you. Parents need to know to make sure you are safe.]
Some extra things bad about Facebook.
Have you heard these stories about Facebook?
On Facebook, you have to use your real name. And poeple can send you booze (not real) just for fun. But some parents might not want their kids to see that kind of stuff. And their is a lot of innapropriate pictures that people can put up on their profile. And kids can be exposed to very bad things.
Recently, I have read in an article about a police chief on Facebook bragging about crashing cars and hitting pedestrians. It shows a picture of him giving a thumbs-up with a police car in the middle of a road stuck under a tree. Also I read about a guy sending kids nasty images so he can do bad things with them. How stupid can these poeple get?
Another thing is that when someone tells you a rumor just to mess with you, you are bound to believe it if it is sent to you over a message or something. Facebook is also very hard to figure out. For example, it took me about a month to figure out how to send a message. Yeah I might sound stupid for that but it is pretty hard to figure out, give me credit at least I found out how!
Think again. Please be smart about what you are putting up."
Are these things worth it?
Facebook is a way to talk to friends and do fun things. But there is also some bad things about it. One thing bad about it is that people that you don't know will try to add you and talk to you. Another thing is that you can give out too much information for people to know who you are. Some people think that there is nothing bad about this site. And most of those people that think that are people who don't have an account.
Another bad thing is that some creeper can try to add you to be one of their friend. If you have a Facebook, it sometimes sends you a lot of spam. If it doesn't bother you then just make sure you have a good. Facebook doesn't allow to make your profile private. You can only put some things you put on their for just your friends to see, like your school name.
Good thing about Facebook
[Tell your parents if their is someone you don't know try to add you or if someone is sending you bad things to you. Parents need to know to make sure you are safe.]
Some extra things bad about Facebook.
Have you heard these stories about Facebook?
On Facebook, you have to use your real name. And poeple can send you booze (not real) just for fun. But some parents might not want their kids to see that kind of stuff. And their is a lot of innapropriate pictures that people can put up on their profile. And kids can be exposed to very bad things.
Recently, I have read in an article about a police chief on Facebook bragging about crashing cars and hitting pedestrians. It shows a picture of him giving a thumbs-up with a police car in the middle of a road stuck under a tree. Also I read about a guy sending kids nasty images so he can do bad things with them. How stupid can these poeple get?
Another thing is that when someone tells you a rumor just to mess with you, you are bound to believe it if it is sent to you over a message or something. Facebook is also very hard to figure out. For example, it took me about a month to figure out how to send a message. Yeah I might sound stupid for that but it is pretty hard to figure out, give me credit at least I found out how!
Think again. Please be smart about what you are putting up."
sami.brandt8 - Bad Things about Facebook
sami.brandt8 - Bad Things about Facebook: "Bad Things about Facebook
Are these things worth it?
Facebook is a way to talk to friends and do fun things. But there is also some bad things about it. One thing bad about it is that people that you don't know will try to add you and talk to you. Another thing is that you can give out too much information for people to know who you are. Some people think that there is nothing bad about this site. And most of those people that think that are people who don't have an account.
Another bad thing is that some creeper can try to add you to be one of their friend. If you have a Facebook, it sometimes sends you a lot of spam. If it doesn't bother you then just make sure you have a good. Facebook doesn't allow to make your profile private. You can only put some things you put on their for just your friends to see, like your school name.
Good thing about Facebook
[Tell your parents if their is someone you don't know try to add you or if someone is sending you bad things to you. Parents need to know to make sure you are safe.]
Some extra things bad about Facebook.
Have you heard these stories about Facebook?
On Facebook, you have to use your real name. And poeple can send you booze (not real) just for fun. But some parents might not want their kids to see that kind of stuff. And their is a lot of innapropriate pictures that people can put up on their profile. And kids can be exposed to very bad things.
Recently, I have read in an article about a police chief on Facebook bragging about crashing cars and hitting pedestrians. It shows a picture of him giving a thumbs-up with a police car in the middle of a road stuck under a tree. Also I read about a guy sending kids nasty images so he can do bad things with them. How stupid can these poeple get?
Another thing is that when someone tells you a rumor just to mess with you, you are bound to believe it if it is sent to you over a message or something. Facebook is also very hard to figure out. For example, it took me about a month to figure out how to send a message. Yeah I might sound stupid for that but it is pretty hard to figure out, give me credit at least I found out how!
Think again. Please be smart about what you are putting up."
Are these things worth it?
Facebook is a way to talk to friends and do fun things. But there is also some bad things about it. One thing bad about it is that people that you don't know will try to add you and talk to you. Another thing is that you can give out too much information for people to know who you are. Some people think that there is nothing bad about this site. And most of those people that think that are people who don't have an account.
Another bad thing is that some creeper can try to add you to be one of their friend. If you have a Facebook, it sometimes sends you a lot of spam. If it doesn't bother you then just make sure you have a good. Facebook doesn't allow to make your profile private. You can only put some things you put on their for just your friends to see, like your school name.
Good thing about Facebook
[Tell your parents if their is someone you don't know try to add you or if someone is sending you bad things to you. Parents need to know to make sure you are safe.]
Some extra things bad about Facebook.
Have you heard these stories about Facebook?
On Facebook, you have to use your real name. And poeple can send you booze (not real) just for fun. But some parents might not want their kids to see that kind of stuff. And their is a lot of innapropriate pictures that people can put up on their profile. And kids can be exposed to very bad things.
Recently, I have read in an article about a police chief on Facebook bragging about crashing cars and hitting pedestrians. It shows a picture of him giving a thumbs-up with a police car in the middle of a road stuck under a tree. Also I read about a guy sending kids nasty images so he can do bad things with them. How stupid can these poeple get?
Another thing is that when someone tells you a rumor just to mess with you, you are bound to believe it if it is sent to you over a message or something. Facebook is also very hard to figure out. For example, it took me about a month to figure out how to send a message. Yeah I might sound stupid for that but it is pretty hard to figure out, give me credit at least I found out how!
Think again. Please be smart about what you are putting up."
"Is "Tagged" a spam site, or what?" from The Business Blog at Intuitive.com
"Is "Tagged" a spam site, or what?" from The Business Blog at Intuitive.com: "Dave Taylor
Dave Taylor has been involved with the Internet since 1980 and is widely recognized as an expert on both technical and business issues. He has been published over a thousand times, launched four Internet-related startup companies, has written twenty business and technical books and holds both an MBA and MS Ed. Dave maintains four weblogs: The Business Blog at Intuitive.com, Ask Dave Taylor, Dave On Film, and Attachment Parenting Blog. Dave is an award-winning speaker, sought after conference and workshop participant and frequent guest on radio and podcast programs.
Is 'Tagged' a spam site, or what?
Alright, I took eight days off to cruise the Mexican Riviera with my family, no cell phone, no email, nada, and when I get back, both my regular email account and my Gmail account have invitations from unknown people to connect with them through a new service called 'Tagged'. The messages said 'You've been Tagged by XX' and look like this:
You've Been Tagged!
I don't know any 17 year old guys named Gareth, however, so what the heck?
Logically, I click on the 'No' button, since I am well aware that there are more social networks than even I can keep track of at this point, and...
The next thing I see is a rather ridiculously detailed signup form that I have to fill out just to register that I do not know Gareth H. and am not friends with him. Information requested includes my birthday, zip code, and more, as you can see in the screen shot a bit further down on this article.
All I can conclude, particularly given that I'm already pre-opted in (a practice I hate) for the ominous sounding 'offers and surveys' from Postmaster Direct, is that this is the first real Web 2.0 spamming operation?
On the other hand, the company describes itself as 'Tagged.com is the premier social networking destination for the Millennial Generation and an ideal place for advertisers who are trying to reach the teen market. Tagged provides a fun, safe, and exciting environment for teens to showcase their personalities and talents, and to connect with friends and meet new ones. Tagged maintains this great environment by only allowing teenagers to register on the site.'
Ah, well, if that last bit is true, I am doomed to be a blind victim of tagging anyway since it's a long time since I was a teenager, and, heck, that was even pre-Internet, maybe even pre-Al Gore! :-)
Claiming they've been around since 2004, Tagged also has some impressive statistics:
* 3.3MM registered members (13% of online teens)
* 2.7MM unique visitors every month
* 391MM page views per month
* 2.5MM hours spent/month
Nonetheless, what's to make of the information requested and the pre-checked 'spam me' opt in on the first page of the site I see?
Sign up for Tagged.com
It all just feels a bit dubious to me. Is it that I'm just not a 'Millennial' and so value my privacy and the space in my email inbox more than a typical teenager? Or is this just another nail in the coffin of death by social networks that I've written about in the past (see, for example, Meetup.com and Social Networking Fatigue)?
Are you a member of Tagged, and if so, what do you think of it?
ps, yes, I am aware that there's a one-button 'unsubscribe' button on the bottom of the email messages, but given that we've all been trained to be highly skeptical of 'unsubscribe' links on the bottom of emails (because if it is spam it means you're responsive which means you'll paradoxically get more junk mail by requesting to be unsubscribed, not less) and given that clicking 'No' should probably have a 'Tagged's not for me. Please put me on the Don't Tag list' link, I think my concerns are quite reasonable.
Posted by Dave Taylor at February 28, 2007 9:35 AM"
Dave Taylor has been involved with the Internet since 1980 and is widely recognized as an expert on both technical and business issues. He has been published over a thousand times, launched four Internet-related startup companies, has written twenty business and technical books and holds both an MBA and MS Ed. Dave maintains four weblogs: The Business Blog at Intuitive.com, Ask Dave Taylor, Dave On Film, and Attachment Parenting Blog. Dave is an award-winning speaker, sought after conference and workshop participant and frequent guest on radio and podcast programs.
Is 'Tagged' a spam site, or what?
Alright, I took eight days off to cruise the Mexican Riviera with my family, no cell phone, no email, nada, and when I get back, both my regular email account and my Gmail account have invitations from unknown people to connect with them through a new service called 'Tagged'. The messages said 'You've been Tagged by XX' and look like this:
You've Been Tagged!
I don't know any 17 year old guys named Gareth, however, so what the heck?
Logically, I click on the 'No' button, since I am well aware that there are more social networks than even I can keep track of at this point, and...
The next thing I see is a rather ridiculously detailed signup form that I have to fill out just to register that I do not know Gareth H. and am not friends with him. Information requested includes my birthday, zip code, and more, as you can see in the screen shot a bit further down on this article.
All I can conclude, particularly given that I'm already pre-opted in (a practice I hate) for the ominous sounding 'offers and surveys' from Postmaster Direct, is that this is the first real Web 2.0 spamming operation?
On the other hand, the company describes itself as 'Tagged.com is the premier social networking destination for the Millennial Generation and an ideal place for advertisers who are trying to reach the teen market. Tagged provides a fun, safe, and exciting environment for teens to showcase their personalities and talents, and to connect with friends and meet new ones. Tagged maintains this great environment by only allowing teenagers to register on the site.'
Ah, well, if that last bit is true, I am doomed to be a blind victim of tagging anyway since it's a long time since I was a teenager, and, heck, that was even pre-Internet, maybe even pre-Al Gore! :-)
Claiming they've been around since 2004, Tagged also has some impressive statistics:
* 3.3MM registered members (13% of online teens)
* 2.7MM unique visitors every month
* 391MM page views per month
* 2.5MM hours spent/month
Nonetheless, what's to make of the information requested and the pre-checked 'spam me' opt in on the first page of the site I see?
Sign up for Tagged.com
It all just feels a bit dubious to me. Is it that I'm just not a 'Millennial' and so value my privacy and the space in my email inbox more than a typical teenager? Or is this just another nail in the coffin of death by social networks that I've written about in the past (see, for example, Meetup.com and Social Networking Fatigue)?
Are you a member of Tagged, and if so, what do you think of it?
ps, yes, I am aware that there's a one-button 'unsubscribe' button on the bottom of the email messages, but given that we've all been trained to be highly skeptical of 'unsubscribe' links on the bottom of emails (because if it is spam it means you're responsive which means you'll paradoxically get more junk mail by requesting to be unsubscribed, not less) and given that clicking 'No' should probably have a 'Tagged's not for me. Please put me on the Don't Tag list' link, I think my concerns are quite reasonable.
Posted by Dave Taylor at February 28, 2007 9:35 AM"
"Is "Tagged" a spam site, or what?" from The Business Blog at Intuitive.com
"Is "Tagged" a spam site, or what?" from The Business Blog at Intuitive.com: "Dave Taylor
Dave Taylor has been involved with the Internet since 1980 and is widely recognized as an expert on both technical and business issues. He has been published over a thousand times, launched four Internet-related startup companies, has written twenty business and technical books and holds both an MBA and MS Ed. Dave maintains four weblogs: The Business Blog at Intuitive.com, Ask Dave Taylor, Dave On Film, and Attachment Parenting Blog. Dave is an award-winning speaker, sought after conference and workshop participant and frequent guest on radio and podcast programs.
Is 'Tagged' a spam site, or what?
Alright, I took eight days off to cruise the Mexican Riviera with my family, no cell phone, no email, nada, and when I get back, both my regular email account and my Gmail account have invitations from unknown people to connect with them through a new service called 'Tagged'. The messages said 'You've been Tagged by XX' and look like this:
You've Been Tagged!
I don't know any 17 year old guys named Gareth, however, so what the heck?
Logically, I click on the 'No' button, since I am well aware that there are more social networks than even I can keep track of at this point, and...
The next thing I see is a rather ridiculously detailed signup form that I have to fill out just to register that I do not know Gareth H. and am not friends with him. Information requested includes my birthday, zip code, and more, as you can see in the screen shot a bit further down on this article.
All I can conclude, particularly given that I'm already pre-opted in (a practice I hate) for the ominous sounding 'offers and surveys' from Postmaster Direct, is that this is the first real Web 2.0 spamming operation?
On the other hand, the company describes itself as 'Tagged.com is the premier social networking destination for the Millennial Generation and an ideal place for advertisers who are trying to reach the teen market. Tagged provides a fun, safe, and exciting environment for teens to showcase their personalities and talents, and to connect with friends and meet new ones. Tagged maintains this great environment by only allowing teenagers to register on the site.'
Ah, well, if that last bit is true, I am doomed to be a blind victim of tagging anyway since it's a long time since I was a teenager, and, heck, that was even pre-Internet, maybe even pre-Al Gore! :-)
Claiming they've been around since 2004, Tagged also has some impressive statistics:
* 3.3MM registered members (13% of online teens)
* 2.7MM unique visitors every month
* 391MM page views per month
* 2.5MM hours spent/month
Nonetheless, what's to make of the information requested and the pre-checked 'spam me' opt in on the first page of the site I see?
Sign up for Tagged.com
It all just feels a bit dubious to me. Is it that I'm just not a 'Millennial' and so value my privacy and the space in my email inbox more than a typical teenager? Or is this just another nail in the coffin of death by social networks that I've written about in the past (see, for example, Meetup.com and Social Networking Fatigue)?
Are you a member of Tagged, and if so, what do you think of it?
ps, yes, I am aware that there's a one-button 'unsubscribe' button on the bottom of the email messages, but given that we've all been trained to be highly skeptical of 'unsubscribe' links on the bottom of emails (because if it is spam it means you're responsive which means you'll paradoxically get more junk mail by requesting to be unsubscribed, not less) and given that clicking 'No' should probably have a 'Tagged's not for me. Please put me on the Don't Tag list' link, I think my concerns are quite reasonable.
Posted by Dave Taylor at February 28, 2007 9:35 AM"
Dave Taylor has been involved with the Internet since 1980 and is widely recognized as an expert on both technical and business issues. He has been published over a thousand times, launched four Internet-related startup companies, has written twenty business and technical books and holds both an MBA and MS Ed. Dave maintains four weblogs: The Business Blog at Intuitive.com, Ask Dave Taylor, Dave On Film, and Attachment Parenting Blog. Dave is an award-winning speaker, sought after conference and workshop participant and frequent guest on radio and podcast programs.
Is 'Tagged' a spam site, or what?
Alright, I took eight days off to cruise the Mexican Riviera with my family, no cell phone, no email, nada, and when I get back, both my regular email account and my Gmail account have invitations from unknown people to connect with them through a new service called 'Tagged'. The messages said 'You've been Tagged by XX' and look like this:
You've Been Tagged!
I don't know any 17 year old guys named Gareth, however, so what the heck?
Logically, I click on the 'No' button, since I am well aware that there are more social networks than even I can keep track of at this point, and...
The next thing I see is a rather ridiculously detailed signup form that I have to fill out just to register that I do not know Gareth H. and am not friends with him. Information requested includes my birthday, zip code, and more, as you can see in the screen shot a bit further down on this article.
All I can conclude, particularly given that I'm already pre-opted in (a practice I hate) for the ominous sounding 'offers and surveys' from Postmaster Direct, is that this is the first real Web 2.0 spamming operation?
On the other hand, the company describes itself as 'Tagged.com is the premier social networking destination for the Millennial Generation and an ideal place for advertisers who are trying to reach the teen market. Tagged provides a fun, safe, and exciting environment for teens to showcase their personalities and talents, and to connect with friends and meet new ones. Tagged maintains this great environment by only allowing teenagers to register on the site.'
Ah, well, if that last bit is true, I am doomed to be a blind victim of tagging anyway since it's a long time since I was a teenager, and, heck, that was even pre-Internet, maybe even pre-Al Gore! :-)
Claiming they've been around since 2004, Tagged also has some impressive statistics:
* 3.3MM registered members (13% of online teens)
* 2.7MM unique visitors every month
* 391MM page views per month
* 2.5MM hours spent/month
Nonetheless, what's to make of the information requested and the pre-checked 'spam me' opt in on the first page of the site I see?
Sign up for Tagged.com
It all just feels a bit dubious to me. Is it that I'm just not a 'Millennial' and so value my privacy and the space in my email inbox more than a typical teenager? Or is this just another nail in the coffin of death by social networks that I've written about in the past (see, for example, Meetup.com and Social Networking Fatigue)?
Are you a member of Tagged, and if so, what do you think of it?
ps, yes, I am aware that there's a one-button 'unsubscribe' button on the bottom of the email messages, but given that we've all been trained to be highly skeptical of 'unsubscribe' links on the bottom of emails (because if it is spam it means you're responsive which means you'll paradoxically get more junk mail by requesting to be unsubscribed, not less) and given that clicking 'No' should probably have a 'Tagged's not for me. Please put me on the Don't Tag list' link, I think my concerns are quite reasonable.
Posted by Dave Taylor at February 28, 2007 9:35 AM"
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Kolac od pure Recept Za škrovadu 30x20 1.2 cjela jaja 2.soli pola zlicice 3.2 jusne zlice secera 4.salica suncokretova ulja 5.salic...

Ovo je prijedlog za zdravi i brzi kolac od mrkve i jabuke. Dijeca ga rado jedu i na taj nacin im obogatimo prehranu i mrkvom koju vecina dij...
GRDOBINA OMILJENA RIBA ZA PRIPREMU RAZNIH RIBLJIH JELA,OD JUHE DO POHANJA. Danas je to juhica od grdobine i leso grdobina. Spravljan...