srijeda, 30. prosinca 2009.


Evo tek sto sam se vratila u Split,nasla sam ovaj predivan post moje najstarije kcerke!Ne samo da je recept za fritule upravo onaj i onakav kakav sam naucila od moje bake i mame vec je i tekst tako lijep i primijeren trenutku da ga i zelim upotrijebiti i podijeliti sa vama dragi prijatelji!

odnosi se na:

"Fritule i Božić kakav je nekad bio petak, 25. prosinca 2009. #fullpost{display:inline;} U ovom hladnom i otuđenom svijetu, u svijetu u kojem često zaboravljamo na istinske vrijednosti, teško je prisjetiti se pravog značenja Božića. One istinske poruke ljubavi i zajedništva koja ne bi trebala biti strana ni jednom ljudskom biću bez obzira na rasu, naciju i vjeroispovijest. Iz godine u godinu se činilo da nas je potrošački duh u potpunosti obuzeo i da je jedino značenje Božića veliki minus na kreditnim karticama. Sjećam se Božića kakav je nekad bio. Nekad davno u nekom drugom svijetu Božić je dolazio tiho, dostojanstveno, bez pompe i kiča. Tada nije bilo popularno ni poželjno biti viđen na polnoćki ili prvoj jutarnjoj misi, tada se nije pucalo petardama i ostalim pirotehničkim čudima, tada se Božić dočekivao gotovo tajno. Sjećam se Badnje noć kad je stan mirisao neodoljivim mirisom bakalara i friško ispečenih fritula. Fritule te male neugledne loptice, od svega para sastojaka, obilježile su svaki Badnjak koji pamtim. Tako tipično sirotinjske, dalmatinske, mirisale su preko cijelog grada. Vremena su se promijenila i sad je Božić nešto drugo. Sada pišemo neke druge uspomene i stvaramo neke nove običaje ali ipak sam htjela da i moj zagrebački dom ispuni onaj miris djetinjstva, miris friških fritula. Fritule sam radila prvi put i to potpuno na slijepo, bez recepta, uz samo par maminih naputaka, a ostalo po osjećaju. Ispale su dobro, za prvi put čak odlično. Na našem blagdanskom stolu su prve nestale iako su stajale rame uz rame atraktivnijim kolačima. A miris… da to je bio taj miris djetinjstva. Naposljetku svima želim sretan Božić, da ga provedete u miru i ljubavi sa svojim najmilijima."
- Voće i povrće: Fritule i Božić kakav je nekad bio (prikaži na Google Sidewikiju)

ponedjeljak, 28. prosinca 2009.


Svecane ŠNITE

4 žumanjka
20 dag šećera
1/2 praška za pecivo
4 žlice jake kuhane kave (gorke)
10 dag mljevenih oraha
5 bjelanjaka (snijeg)
1 žlica brašna

Izmiješati i ispeći.

3 dcl mlijeka i 3 žlice brašna kuhaj i ohladi. Dobro izmiješaj 20 dag margarina, 15 dag šećera u prahu, 1 žumanjak i 1 vanilin šećer. Pomiješaj dobro s kuhanim mlijekom i brašno.

4 rebra čokolade rastopi s 8 dag margarina i par kapi ulja."


Svecane ŠNITE

4 žumanjka
20 dag šećera
1/2 praška za pecivo
4 žlice jake kuhane kave (gorke)
10 dag mljevenih oraha
5 bjelanjaka (snijeg)
1 žlica brašna

Izmiješati i ispeći.

3 dcl mlijeka i 3 žlice brašna kuhaj i ohladi. Dobro izmiješaj 20 dag margarina, 15 dag šećera u prahu, 1 žumanjak i 1 vanilin šećer. Pomiješaj dobro s kuhanim mlijekom i brašno.

4 rebra čokolade rastopi s 8 dag margarina i par kapi ulja."

Linzer i Londoner snite


14 dag brašna
8 dag šećera
10 dag margarinaa
2 žumanjka
Sve zamijesi i tanko razvaljaj i metni peći. Kad je na pola pečeno namaži pekmezom i smjesom od:
14 dag oraha
14 dag šećera
4 bjelanjaka snijega

Lagano peći do kraja.


1/4 kg maslaca
30 dag brašna
7 dag šećera
3 žumanjka, malo soli, malo praška za pecivo

Zamijesi tijesto, stavi u pleh i namaži pekmezom. Posebno napravi snijeg od 3 bjelanjka, umiješaj 15 dag mljevenih oraha i 15 dag šećera
Na pola pečeno tijesto namaži tom smjesom i peci do kraja."

Linzer i Londoner snite


14 dag brašna
8 dag šećera
10 dag margarinaa
2 žumanjka
Sve zamijesi i tanko razvaljaj i metni peći. Kad je na pola pečeno namaži pekmezom i smjesom od:
14 dag oraha
14 dag šećera
4 bjelanjaka snijega

Lagano peći do kraja.


1/4 kg maslaca
30 dag brašna
7 dag šećera
3 žumanjka, malo soli, malo praška za pecivo

Zamijesi tijesto, stavi u pleh i namaži pekmezom. Posebno napravi snijeg od 3 bjelanjka, umiješaj 15 dag mljevenih oraha i 15 dag šećera
Na pola pečeno tijesto namaži tom smjesom i peci do kraja."

Zarbo pita

Pita Svecana

35 dag oštrog brašna
20 dag margarina ili maslaca
1 cijelo jaje
1 vanilin šećer
1/3 kocke kvasca
3 žlice mlakog mlijeka
Tijesto podjeliti na 3 djela, razvaljati i slagati u mali protvan.

20 dag oraha
20 dag šećera u kristalu i rum

Svaki od dva lista najprije namazati marmeladom od marelica a zatim posuti orasima pomiješanim sa šećerom i rumom. Protvan namazati margarinom i posuti brašnom. Peći 35 min na 180 °C. Napraviti glazuru od čokolade, rezati mlako ili hladno na male kockice"


35 dag oštrog brašna
20 dag margarina ili maslaca
1 cijelo jaje
1 vanilin šećer
1/3 kocke kvasca
3 žlice mlakog mlijeka
Tijesto podjeliti na 3 djela, razvaljati i slagati u mali protvan.

20 dag oraha
20 dag šećera u kristalu i rum

Svaki od dva lista najprije namazati marmeladom od marelica a zatim posuti orasima pomiješanim sa šećerom i rumom. Protvan namazati margarinom i posuti brašnom. Peći 35 min na 180 °C. Napraviti glazuru od čokolade, rezati mlako ili hladno na male kockice"

Cokoladna rolada


Miješaj 2 bjelanjka s 25 dag šećera pola sata. Zatim dodaj 28 dag oraha i 2 štangice ribane čokolade, zamijesi tijesto i razvaljaj po duljini.

12 dag maslaca i 12 dag šećera miješaj i dodaj 2 kuhana pasirana žumanjka, malo ruma i malo vanilije. Ovu filu razmaži po razvaljanoj masi i zatim rolaj. Suši se dva dana na hladnom mjestu."

Maja - Obiteljski recepti za kolače:

Cokoladna rolada


Miješaj 2 bjelanjka s 25 dag šećera pola sata. Zatim dodaj 28 dag oraha i 2 štangice ribane čokolade, zamijesi tijesto i razvaljaj po duljini.

12 dag maslaca i 12 dag šećera miješaj i dodaj 2 kuhana pasirana žumanjka, malo ruma i malo vanilije. Ovu filu razmaži po razvaljanoj masi i zatim rolaj. Suši se dva dana na hladnom mjestu."

Maja - Obiteljski recepti za kolače:

Keksi od Badema

Slucajno sam naisla na ovoj web list i odusevila se jadnostavnoscu recepata pa ih ovdje i prenosim


400 g brašna
100 g šećera u prahu
100 g mljevenih badema
200 g maslaca
1/2 praška za pecivo i malo naribane kore od limuna

Izvor:Maja - Obiteljski recepti za kolače:

Keksi od Badema

Slucajno sam naisla na ovoj web list i odusevila se jadnostavnoscu recepata pa ih ovdje i prenosim


400 g brašna
100 g šećera u prahu
100 g mljevenih badema
200 g maslaca
1/2 praška za pecivo i malo naribane kore od limuna

Izvor:Maja - Obiteljski recepti za kolače:

nedjelja, 20. prosinca 2009.

Ajde Knorr-ovci odgovorite

Mi korisnici Vam "bacamo rukavicu" a Vi nam dajte smislen odgovor!!
Cinjenica je da se u Europi ne bi na ovaj nacin ponasali, a da netko ne odgovara!
Budite toliko fer pa se lijepo ispricajte!!
S Postovanjem

odnosi se na: kolaci recepti: Knorr nas zeza!!!!!kakva nagrada za recept? (prikaži na Google Sidewikiju)

Foscarini Caramel apple cake

My grandma famous Caramel Apple cake

My grandma was a chief in the most known and most popular restaurant in Dalmatia and in same time she likes to cook at home!
I would be happy to preserve her recipes for future!
This one,caramel apple cake is her famous !
Hope no one COPY this recipe!
This is not recipe from any recipe-book ,this is very authenticate recipe made only by my grandma.


  • 350 gram suger
  • 200 gram butter
  • 8 red apples
  • 2 oranges
  • vanila sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 bake powder
  • cinnamon powder
  • salt
  • 8 tbs farina

Add  250 gram sugar in pot and make caramel.
When sugar become gold add 100 gram butter and mix a little.
Now add apples cut in the  shape of a ship.
Make a dough with eggs,butter,orange juice,cinnamon,vanilla sugar and sugar.
Now add 4 grated apples .
Dough must be liquid!
Bake it about 35 minutes on 175 celsious.
Baked invert on a platter.
Can be serve warm and cold with a cream or ice-cream.
first make caramel

this is good color for caramel

add butter

now add apples and  just a little orange juice

start with eggs and sugar

add apple and butter

flour and mix it

add dough on the top of caramel and apples

now is ready for oven

on the end looks like this

bon appetite

yummy slice of caramel apple cake

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Ipak ce biti isplata!!!!!

Eto najnovija je vijest da 23 ovog pocinje isplata dividendi Braniteljskog Fonda!Zivi bili pa vidili!!!Bolje ista nego nista!!!

odnosi se na:

"Fond branitelja: Isplata dividende 23. prosinca Ranije je najavljeno da će dividenda po jednom udjelu iznositi između 18 i 21 kune, no točan iznos će biti objavljen početkom sljedećeg tjedna, kada će u potpunosti biti završene izmjene i dopune Registra Fonda pri Erste investu"
- - Fond branitelja: Isplata dividende 23. prosinca (prikaži na Google Sidewikiju)

Knorr opet

Ako pokusate uci u proffil Knorr koji je ostavio komentar na mom webu vidjet cete da je to onemoguceno!Samo je pitanje zasto.?Bas se mislim direktno pisati Knorr-u ,naravno ne hrvatskom!!

odnosi se na: Blogger: Profil nije dostupan (prikaži na Google Sidewikiju)

Ginger Bread Houses ~ Cajun Chef Ryan

Ginger Bread Houses ~ Cajun Chef Ryan: "Ginger Bread Houses
December 23rd, 2008 · 7 Comments
A family tradition of holiday fun

Ginger Bread House

Every year for the past 10 or so we have taken the weekend before Christmas typically on Saturday to bake and build ginger bread houses. Years ago Monique hosted and attended Pampered Chef parties and one year she got a hold of the ginger bread mold stoneware and ever since I have taken to the fun task of helping the boys build each their own ginger bread house. This year we were without Bryan so Monique and I decorated one together. Ben did his all up in purple and gold LSU colors, it is quite a unique little ginger bread house.

LSU Ginger Bread House

I typically make a double batch of ginger bread dough and a double batch of royal icing as well to complete two houses from the mold. Over the years I have perfected the art of making even and smooth walls, roofs and chimney. The trick is to hand press the dough into the mold until filled over the top edges, then taking a sharp knife I will run the blade parallel to the top and slice off the excess using a sawing motion, the exess dough is added back to the ball.

Usually there will be some dough left over and I will roll out this to about 1/4 inch thickness and then cut out Christmas shapes using tiny cookie cutters. We typically will have a few dozen stars, ginger bread men, bears, candy cane and sleigh shaped ginger bread cookies to eat while we build and decorate the houses.

Ginger Bread Dough
Gingerbread House Dough (Single batch, yield: 1 house)
3 Cups All-purpose flour
1 ½ Tsp Cinnamon
1 Tsp Ginger
½ Tsp Baking soda
½ Tsp Salt
¼ Tsp Cloves, ground
½ Cup Solid vegetable shortening
½ Cup Granulated sugar
½ Cup Molasses
1 Large Egg

Procedure Steps (Pre-heat oven to 350 º F.)
1. Combine the first 6 dry ingredients and mix well.
2. Combine the shortening and suger and whip until creamed smooth.
3. Add the molasses and egg to the sugar shortening mixture and whip until smooth.
4. Gradually add the dry flour mixture to the wet mixture until well incorporated into a dough.
5. Press dough into lightly greased mold and cut excess. Or on a lightly greased sheet pan roll out dough to an even shape about ½ inch thick.
6. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until edges of dough are lightly browned. Place mold or sheet pan on cooling rack for 5 minutes then un-mold or remove from pan.
7. If using a single sheet pan method use the template below to cut out the walls and roof shapes. If using the mold allow it to cool somewhat before adding the next batch of dough.
8. Once cooled the house sections are ready to build.

Royal Icing
4 Cups Powdered confectioners sugar
3 Each Egg whites
2 Tsp Cream of tartar

Procedure Steps
1. Blend together the confectioners sugar and cream of tarter, then add the egg whites and whip on medium speed until in electric mixer until glossy and hit holds stiff peaks.

Royal Icing

This icing will start to dry very quickly so keep covered with a damp towel or plastic wrap. Transfer to a piping bag fitted with a small star tube and use the icing as the “glue” for attaching the walls then the roof sections. Add more icing and then decorate with various candy pieces. Add more icing on the roof to simulate snow and then decorate that too.

Now everyone is ready to decorate their houses, Monique and Ben start adding candy pieces after I have set up the walls and roof sections with the royal icing “glue”. The fun begins and goes really quickly too.
Ben Decorating the LSU House
Monique piping in some icing
Ryan added some icing too"

Ginger Bread Houses ~ Cajun Chef Ryan

Ginger Bread Houses ~ Cajun Chef Ryan: "Ginger Bread Houses
December 23rd, 2008 · 7 Comments
A family tradition of holiday fun

Ginger Bread House

Every year for the past 10 or so we have taken the weekend before Christmas typically on Saturday to bake and build ginger bread houses. Years ago Monique hosted and attended Pampered Chef parties and one year she got a hold of the ginger bread mold stoneware and ever since I have taken to the fun task of helping the boys build each their own ginger bread house. This year we were without Bryan so Monique and I decorated one together. Ben did his all up in purple and gold LSU colors, it is quite a unique little ginger bread house.

LSU Ginger Bread House

I typically make a double batch of ginger bread dough and a double batch of royal icing as well to complete two houses from the mold. Over the years I have perfected the art of making even and smooth walls, roofs and chimney. The trick is to hand press the dough into the mold until filled over the top edges, then taking a sharp knife I will run the blade parallel to the top and slice off the excess using a sawing motion, the exess dough is added back to the ball.

Usually there will be some dough left over and I will roll out this to about 1/4 inch thickness and then cut out Christmas shapes using tiny cookie cutters. We typically will have a few dozen stars, ginger bread men, bears, candy cane and sleigh shaped ginger bread cookies to eat while we build and decorate the houses.

Ginger Bread Dough
Gingerbread House Dough (Single batch, yield: 1 house)
3 Cups All-purpose flour
1 ½ Tsp Cinnamon
1 Tsp Ginger
½ Tsp Baking soda
½ Tsp Salt
¼ Tsp Cloves, ground
½ Cup Solid vegetable shortening
½ Cup Granulated sugar
½ Cup Molasses
1 Large Egg

Procedure Steps (Pre-heat oven to 350 º F.)
1. Combine the first 6 dry ingredients and mix well.
2. Combine the shortening and suger and whip until creamed smooth.
3. Add the molasses and egg to the sugar shortening mixture and whip until smooth.
4. Gradually add the dry flour mixture to the wet mixture until well incorporated into a dough.
5. Press dough into lightly greased mold and cut excess. Or on a lightly greased sheet pan roll out dough to an even shape about ½ inch thick.
6. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until edges of dough are lightly browned. Place mold or sheet pan on cooling rack for 5 minutes then un-mold or remove from pan.
7. If using a single sheet pan method use the template below to cut out the walls and roof shapes. If using the mold allow it to cool somewhat before adding the next batch of dough.
8. Once cooled the house sections are ready to build.

Royal Icing
4 Cups Powdered confectioners sugar
3 Each Egg whites
2 Tsp Cream of tartar

Procedure Steps
1. Blend together the confectioners sugar and cream of tarter, then add the egg whites and whip on medium speed until in electric mixer until glossy and hit holds stiff peaks.

Royal Icing

This icing will start to dry very quickly so keep covered with a damp towel or plastic wrap. Transfer to a piping bag fitted with a small star tube and use the icing as the “glue” for attaching the walls then the roof sections. Add more icing and then decorate with various candy pieces. Add more icing on the roof to simulate snow and then decorate that too.

Now everyone is ready to decorate their houses, Monique and Ben start adding candy pieces after I have set up the walls and roof sections with the royal icing “glue”. The fun begins and goes really quickly too.
Ben Decorating the LSU House
Monique piping in some icing
Ryan added some icing too"

subota, 19. prosinca 2009.

Little about celebrating Hanukkah!!!!

KwanYin's reviews - StumbleUpon: "Nope, Chanukah is NOT the Jewish Christmas...

Contrary to what some of y'all may think 'The Jewess' DOES NOT celebrate Christmas although I have been known to partake in festivities with my non-Jewish friends.

Oh, and Chanukah is NOT the Jewish Christmas.

On Christmas Day I usually go out to a movie and dinner with my Jew Crew. I spend Christmas eve with my Roman Catholic friends (Italian style seafood & pasta dinner).

Chanukah is known as 'the festival of lights', commemorating the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem after a successful revolt against the Selucid Greeks. As part of the rededication, the victorious Jews needed to light the Temple's menorah (candelabrum), but they had only enough oil to last one day and it would take eight days to prepare more oil. Miraculously, the one-day supply of oil lasted for eight days. The miracle of the oil is commemorated with this eight-day candle-lighting holiday.
This is why Jews celebrate Chanukah, to mark the victory over the Syrians and the rededication of the Jerusalem Temple. The Festival of the Lights, Chanukah, lasts for eight days to commemorate the miracle of the oil. The word Chanukah means 'rededication'.

In my family we give and receive gifts, entertain friends and family, eat special foods, and light the holiday menorah.

Chanukah begins four days before the new moon, which is the darkest night of the month. Kislev (on the Jewish calendar) the month in which Chanukah takes place, it is also close to the winter solstice, which is the longest -- and darkest -- month of the year.
The only ritual associated with Chanukah is lighting the candles on the Chanukiah (menorah).
Like many other faiths, the Jewish holiday of Chanukah brings light into the darkest time of the year.
Chanukah is one of the least religiously significant holidays in the Jewish calendar.

The most important thing to remember about Chanukah is that it is NOT Jewish Christmas, no matter what the card shops and toy stores want you to believe.

I wish you all a happy, healthy and loving Chanukah.
Chag Chanukah Sameach!

Voli Vas Silvana!
Silvana, with Love!

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Little about celebrating Hanukkah!!!!

KwanYin's reviews - StumbleUpon: "Nope, Chanukah is NOT the Jewish Christmas...

Contrary to what some of y'all may think 'The Jewess' DOES NOT celebrate Christmas although I have been known to partake in festivities with my non-Jewish friends.

Oh, and Chanukah is NOT the Jewish Christmas.

On Christmas Day I usually go out to a movie and dinner with my Jew Crew. I spend Christmas eve with my Roman Catholic friends (Italian style seafood & pasta dinner).

Chanukah is known as 'the festival of lights', commemorating the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem after a successful revolt against the Selucid Greeks. As part of the rededication, the victorious Jews needed to light the Temple's menorah (candelabrum), but they had only enough oil to last one day and it would take eight days to prepare more oil. Miraculously, the one-day supply of oil lasted for eight days. The miracle of the oil is commemorated with this eight-day candle-lighting holiday.
This is why Jews celebrate Chanukah, to mark the victory over the Syrians and the rededication of the Jerusalem Temple. The Festival of the Lights, Chanukah, lasts for eight days to commemorate the miracle of the oil. The word Chanukah means 'rededication'.

In my family we give and receive gifts, entertain friends and family, eat special foods, and light the holiday menorah.

Chanukah begins four days before the new moon, which is the darkest night of the month. Kislev (on the Jewish calendar) the month in which Chanukah takes place, it is also close to the winter solstice, which is the longest -- and darkest -- month of the year.
The only ritual associated with Chanukah is lighting the candles on the Chanukiah (menorah).
Like many other faiths, the Jewish holiday of Chanukah brings light into the darkest time of the year.
Chanukah is one of the least religiously significant holidays in the Jewish calendar.

The most important thing to remember about Chanukah is that it is NOT Jewish Christmas, no matter what the card shops and toy stores want you to believe.

I wish you all a happy, healthy and loving Chanukah.
Chag Chanukah Sameach!

Voli Vas Silvana!
Silvana, with Love!

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For the last 30 years black risotto is the must food on my New Year table!
We all love it,its so tasty primo piato!
Can be serve with meat or fish meal.
For New Year eve i like to serve risotto in 3 colors Black,Red and white!
Black=cuttlefish risotto
Red= tomato and veal risotto
White=codfish risotto

black risotto
cuttlefish risotto

INTEGRATES/ 6 persons/

1 kg young, fresh cuttlefish
3 heads silver onions
chopped garlic and parsley
olive oil, salt, pepper
glass of red wine or average
3 cups rice round grain
teaspoon butter
blackness put out while we cleaning cuttlefish* bladder with ink can be seen with the naked eye *


chopped onion add on warm olive oil

add sliced cuttlefish and mix on low heat
Now all pour with red wine and some water
add a little salt and pepper
cook on low heat
Now again add a little salt / can be a little saltier because adding rice /
put chopped garlic and parsley
little stir and gently boil
when he pours softened add the rice, mix in the fire, about 5 minutes and
than add water, fish foundation / better if we have a foundation /
observe that rice is not overcooked or thick / rice is best cooked al dente/
exclude fire, add a teaspoon of butter.
Serve it for ten minutes

Voli Vas Silvana!
Silvana, with Love!

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For the last 30 years black risotto is the must food on my New Year table!
We all love it,its so tasty primo piato!
Can be serve with meat or fish meal.
For New Year eve i like to serve risotto in 3 colors Black,Red and white!
Black=cuttlefish risotto
Red= tomato and veal risotto
White=codfish risotto

black risotto
cuttlefish risotto

INTEGRATES/ 6 persons/

1 kg young, fresh cuttlefish
3 heads silver onions
chopped garlic and parsley
olive oil, salt, pepper
glass of red wine or average
3 cups rice round grain
teaspoon butter
blackness put out while we cleaning cuttlefish* bladder with ink can be seen with the naked eye *


chopped onion add on warm olive oil

add sliced cuttlefish and mix on low heat
Now all pour with red wine and some water
add a little salt and pepper
cook on low heat
Now again add a little salt / can be a little saltier because adding rice /
put chopped garlic and parsley
little stir and gently boil
when he pours softened add the rice, mix in the fire, about 5 minutes and
than add water, fish foundation / better if we have a foundation /
observe that rice is not overcooked or thick / rice is best cooked al dente/
exclude fire, add a teaspoon of butter.
Serve it for ten minutes

Voli Vas Silvana!
Silvana, with Love!

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srijeda, 16. prosinca 2009.


Normalno da je ovo za zene stresnije razdoblje,jos ako moramo,a moramo,brinuti kako od jako ogranicenih sredstava napraviti lijepe i sretne blagdane,to dovodi do opceg stresa!!!
Meni i tokom lijeta dodje slabo kad se sijetim vremena predbozic i novu godinu!
Svijesna sam ja da nije materijalno najvaznije al kad neznate kako nahranit obitelj onda postane jako vazno!

odnosi se na:

"Za veći dio Hrvata i dalje se može reći da su sretni. Potaknuti svjetskim istraživanjima o ispitivanju osjećaja sreće i zadovoljstva magazin Banka i agencija Hendal proveli su na nacionalno reprezentativnom uzorku građanstva i u mjesecu studenom anketu koja je pokazala da je prošloga mjeseca 57 posto Hrvata bilo sretno, što je povećanje za jedan posto u odnosu na listopad, i to zahvaljujući muškarcima."
- - Anketa: Hrvatice brinu nadolazeći blagdani (prikaži na Google Sidewikiju)


Normalno da je ovo za zene stresnije razdoblje,jos ako moramo,a moramo,brinuti kako od jako ogranicenih sredstava napraviti lijepe i sretne blagdane,to dovodi do opceg stresa!!!
Meni i tokom lijeta dodje slabo kad se sijetim vremena predbozic i novu godinu!
Svijesna sam ja da nije materijalno najvaznije al kad neznate kako nahranit obitelj onda postane jako vazno!

odnosi se na:

"Za veći dio Hrvata i dalje se može reći da su sretni. Potaknuti svjetskim istraživanjima o ispitivanju osjećaja sreće i zadovoljstva magazin Banka i agencija Hendal proveli su na nacionalno reprezentativnom uzorku građanstva i u mjesecu studenom anketu koja je pokazala da je prošloga mjeseca 57 posto Hrvata bilo sretno, što je povećanje za jedan posto u odnosu na listopad, i to zahvaljujući muškarcima."
- - Anketa: Hrvatice brinu nadolazeći blagdani (prikaži na Google Sidewikiju)

BOZICNE PRIPREME-tjestenina svih oblika/recept/

Pasta recipe/be ready for holidays prepare it now!!!/


for 200 gram flour use 1 big egg!
Water only if its necessary!
If you like can add 1tbs of virgin olive oil!

zapocmimo,ja sam stavila 4 jaja i 800 grama brasna
malo posolim jaja i zamijesam ih lagano s brasnom,dalje mijesimo rukom
dobijemo kuglu i ostavimo je da odstoji sat vremene ,pokrivena!
evo tijesto pokriveno i mi idemo pripremiti nadjev

spinat skuhan u slanoj vodi,usitniti i dodati posoljenom mladom siru
nadijev je spreman
tijesto razvaljamo,mozemo i strojem za pastu,manistru
slazemo nadjev
prekrijemo tijestom i radimo letece tanjure

spojimo ih pritiskom viljuske
a zatim od ostatka tijesta mozemo napraviti i druge oblike po zelji!

gotovo,imamo manistre svih oblika
ovo su leteci tanjuri s sirom i spinatom
Najbolje je za blagdane posluzivati domacu manistru,tjesteninu.
Zato se vec sad pripremimo,zamijesimo raznu tjesteninu i spremimo je na suho mjesto ili hladnjak,pogotovu onu punjenu sirom i povrcem moramo spremiti u hladnjak.


mjera: 200 grama brasna=2 jaja
malo vode samo po potrebi,
Tijeszo mora biti tvrdo!!!

Voli Vas Silvana!
Silvana, with Love!

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