srijeda, 16. ožujka 2011.


Since I often wonder where to find the Ticino, whether you buy it or I make myself decided to dedicate a post or a mixture of Ticino as we were all called before the fondant .. there is no substantial difference, it is the sugar Staub with a few ingredients that can easily buy in stores



* 1.5 kg sugar Staub
* 20 grams of instant gelatin
* 25 ml glycerol / buy at the pharmacy /
* 9 tablespoons packed full of fructose / fruit sugar /
* A little water


* Preparation is the seemingly simple but still requires skilled hands
* First place in a little water to swell the gelatin / about 8 tablespoons no more /
* Put in a bowl fruit sugar and add 2 tablespoons of water, put on the fire and stir until all became syrup
* Remove from heat
* Little stir to cool slightly
* Add the glycerin
* Stir
* Add this mixture in the swollen gelatin and stir again
* A little bigger bowl put about 75 grams of sugar Staub
* Sugar poured into the above mixture and mix all the wooden spoon, add sugar Staub how many drinks
* When you get a solid mixture of all switch on silicon substrate and mix it more
* Continues to mix the bread like a long time and perseverance to get a uniform mass, while sticking to your hands adding Staub
* Nearly smiling, completely white so you can use a paint or liquid paint for food!
* It can stand long but well-wrapped to not come into contact with the air!

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1 komentar:

Sanja kaže...

Baš sad planiram isprobati ticino masu i strah me kako će ispasti :) Vidim da je i ovdje sličan recept kao i moj pa se hrabrim pomalo... :) Pratim te! :)


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